I Spent How Much on Little Plastic Men!?: My Love/Hate Relationship with Miniature Wargaming
I've written before about my love of various nerdful things, including video games, comics and pen and paper role-playing games. One particular area of nerddom that I haven't yet discussed in this blog is miniature wargaming. The reason for this is because I have a particularly complicated relationship with this particular hobby and have never been able to put my feeling into words. However, I'm going to try to sort through some shit in this post, so buckle up. For those of you who don't know, miniature wargaming simulates battles set in various historical eras or fictional worlds in which military units are represented by miniature physical models on a model battlefield (usually a tabletop). While game systems vary, most use a ruler to adjudicate movement and dice to determine outcomes. These games generally take a while to play, with most battles lasting at least a couple of hours. It's a hobby that has existed for a very long time and one particular wargame, Cha...